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International Trade and Regional Integration

Berlin Economics advises policymakers on targeted trade policies.


The challenge for many transition and newly industrialising countries is to formulate and implement a trade policy strategy that enables them to open up new markets while at the same time deepening existing trade relations.

Berlin Economics supports political decision-makers with developing a targeted trade policy. In the process of trade liberalisation, Berlin Economics also analyses the expected consequences of changes in trade relations, such as the impact of tariff preferences on certain economic sectors or the concrete dismantling of tariff barriers to trade. Berlin Economics also supports countries in trade policy integration processes.

Export promotion is another of Berlin Economics’ consulting specialisations. We help to identify products and sectors with high export potential and advise on the use of export promotion instruments.


Assessing the impact of Uzbekistan’s WTO accession

The study investigates the impact of a possible WTO accession of Uzbekistan on trade relations.