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Labour Market and Migration

Emerging economies have to deal with a variety of labour market challenges. Berlin Economics develops tailor-made solutions.


Labour markets in transition economies are often characterised by outdated regulatory structures, which are in need of fundamental reforms. Besides outdated labour law codes, a brain drain of skilled workers has a negative impact on the countries’ growth prospects.

Against this background, Berlin Economics prepares recommendations for the reform of labour markets and labour law code, analyses migration movements and develops tailored policy measures.



How can Armenia become an attractive hub for IT professionals?

In the course of emigration movements from Russia, Armenia has become a preferred destination for Russian emigrants, including many IT professionals. However, the country still needs to implement some reforms in order to establish itself as a top destination for IT professionals. The Policy Briefing analyses which measures the Armenian government should implement.

Job-retention schemes and labour market adaptivity in the context of the Coronavirus crisis

In the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic, numerous countries have enacted measures to strengthen labour markets (e.g. short-time allowances). This Policy Briefing examined the scope and impact of these and similar measures in Eastern European transition countries, with particular reference to the example of Ukraine.

The briefing summarises the results of a corresponding study: Overall, innovative labour market instruments, such as short-time allowances, were little or not used at all. This was mainly due to rigid labour regulations, which still have their origins in the Soviet era, as well as an underdeveloped social system. This left dismissal as the most frequently used instrument. In view of the high economic and social costs, countries like Ukraine should think about expanding short-time work schemes as a flexible instrument of labour market policy management.

Full Briefing